Monday, October 24, 2011

Can you innovate your way out of a recession?

Upon hearing news of an impending recession, most companies opt for the traditional corporate practice of shrinking budgets, cost cutting, sweeping layoffs and freezing plans. As corporate turnarounds experts will tell you, it is important to stop the blood flow first when attending to an injured patient. But if the injured is a competitive athlete, how long will you prevent him from training before his skills and stamina take a turn for the worst too?

Innovation is like a muscle, if you do not exercise it, it atrophies. Once the necessary housekeeping to ensure relative corporate stability is over, an economic recession could become a great opportunity for innovation.

“Many of the world’s enduring, multibillion-dollar corporations, from Disney to Microsoft, were founded during economic downturns. Generally speaking, operating costs tend to be cheaper in a recession. Talent is easier to find because of widespread layoffs. And competition is usually less fierce because, frankly, many players are taken out of the game.” – Reena Jana, Bloomberg BusinessWeek, July 2009

A study by McKinsey & Co. conducted over a period of 18 years found out that companies that “retained or gained market leadership during the recession of 1990-1998 invested on strategic acquisitions and pursued new opportunities rather than focusing on reducing operating expense”.

Full text on the eYeka blog.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Jaron Lanier on Edge

Edge has a (too) rare interview with Jaron Lanier, one of the leading thinkers of the "digital revolution". Thanks to El Blogador for pointing it on my FB wall.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Innovation, co-creation on the eYeka blog

As you may have noticed, I am not blogging much here these days. The good/bad news is that I am starting blogging again at

Hope to see you there.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Chinese baby milk powder scandal manufactured by competitor

As it turns out, the Chinese baby milk powder scandal (where infants grow breasts due to the chemical additives) was manufactured by a competitor's PR agency, using online forums and micro-blogging services to spread false rumors. Full story in Campaign China.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

OFT to investigate hotels online booking industry

"Allegations of collusion between hotels and online booking operators to keep room rates artificially high are to be formally investigated by the Office of Fair Trading." Consumer wins. FT

Friday, September 10, 2010

Facebook overtakes Google on time spent

Internet users now spending more time on Facebook than Google (including Gmail, Youtube...). CNET.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Paul's extreme sound stretch

Create your own ambient epic soundtrack with Paul's extreme sound stretch. It makes pre-teen idol Justin Bieber sound like Vangelis. Read on Lifehacker. Mac version here.

Friday, August 20, 2010

Strategic Online PR and Media Relations Forum Asia

I am speaking at the Strategic Online PR and Media Relations Forum Asia (23 – 25 August 2010) in Singapore on how brands must move from advertising to advocacy to succeed with social media.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Can Facebook fail?

It seems that Facebook fatigue combined with the sudden re-discovery of basic concepts such as "privacy" are weighting down on Facebook's exponential growth. While I am not cheering for the demise of the platform that allows me to stay connected with otherwise too loose connections to bother sustaining, I am of course concerned about who gets hold of my status updates. And it seems that I am not alone. The BBC is running a good article summing-up why Facebook should worry and highlights a number of promising alternatives such as Diaspora.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Social networks urged to 'raise ad rates or die'

"Datamonitor's Business Insights study predicts that charges for advertising on social networks will have risen steeply by 2015 (...) the report predicts social networks will only make £4.14 per user per year (US$6.03)". Looking at the backlash against Facebook's move to make its platform more advertiser friendly, fair to say that it will be a tough battle to convince users to gobble more ads and let go of more personal data, and to convince advertisers of a premium ROI.

Full article on Brand Republic.

Friday, April 30, 2010

Russian study shows GM soja causes infertility, genetic defects

This 2 years study will be published in July unless it is "killed-off" before that. Truly frightening when we know of the considerable resources deployed to suppress any scientific paper showing harmful side effects of GM food consumptions. The issue is that GM crops contaminate natural crops thus reducing consumer choice. The GM food industry has also been successful at aborting government initiatives to label food containing GM ingredients as such.

Eat organic whenever possible.

Comprehensive article in French here.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Toyota battling Chinese bloggers

"Toyota Motor Corp.'s recall of millions of cars globally has created a PR fiasco for the Japanese car company. In China, the company now has one more thing to worry about..." Bloggers!


Friday, February 05, 2010

US teens don't blog, don' twitter.

Only 14% blog and 8% tweet. 73% use social networks. Speaking of Twitter, a Pew researcher commented that teens may have a "reluctance to put their thoughts on such a public forum when they can post them to their Facebook page instead". Didn't Mark Zuckerberg announced the end of privacy?

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Forget tablet PC, here comes "sixth sense" technology.

"Pranav Mistry demos several tools that help the physical world interact with the world of data -- including a deep look at his Sixth Sense device and a new, paradigm-shifting paper "laptop". Originally read on the Economic Times, on the recommendation of Professor Rao.

Tuesday, December 01, 2009

Food 2.0.

Looks that the World will not run out of food due to overpopulation after all. Dutch scientists grow artificial meat. Telegraph.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Climate change: Are you thinking in rows or columns?

Decision science applied to climate change. You can't argue with logic. A must watch video for all the skeptics.