Thursday, November 30, 2006

Virtual communities as important as real-world counterparts

The Center for the Digital Future surveyed 2,000 US based individuals about their attitudes to the web. Some results from survey respondents:
  • Web consistently outrank TV as major source of entertainment and information
  • Respondents spent an average of 8.9 hours a week online (1 hour more than in 2005)
  • 43% feel"as strongly" about their web community as they do about real-world friends
  • Each respondent made an average of 4.65 virtual friend this year
  • 40% were using the web to stay in contact with people
  • 37.7% believed the web allowed them to communicate more with friends and family
  • 12.5% maintain their own website
  • 7.4% kept a blog
  • 23.6% posted pictures online

Report abstract (in PDF)

Human brain responds to strong brands differently

Strong and recognized brands create activity in parts of human brain linked to self-identity and reward, according to a study by a team of German scientists. Article.

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Guy Kawasaki's Venture Capital Aptitude Test

Should MBA grads get into Venture Capital? Guy Kawasaki has a wonderful answer:

"Venture capital is something to do at the end of your career, not the beginning. It should be your last job, not your first one."

Find out why on his blog post and take his Venture Capital Aptitude Test.

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

ING Direct: the art of breaking bad news

The Bank of England raised the base rate from 4.75% to 5%. ING Direct decided not to follow this increase for their saving rate. As an ING Direct customer, I was of course disappointed... until I received this email:

"At ING Direct we want to offer all our customers a consistently good rate. On this occasion this means we have made the decision to maintain our ING Direct Savings Account interest rate at 4.75% AER*.

While some people may be willing to follow headline-grabbing rates, we know from talking to our customers that the majority prefer their savings to be earning consistently and want to relax knowing they don't have to constantly check Best Buy tables. "

I feel more relaxed now as I know I will be earning less but consistently so. Thank you ING.

Monday, November 27, 2006

Pontiac Motoratilife in Second Life

A cryptic title to link to the Pontiac Motoratilife blog covering the company's activities in Second Life. Jimmy Kimmel, car races and mashup DJs. Nice program.

Thursday, November 23, 2006

Every Bond Movie Trailers

Watch trailers from every Bond movies. Courtesy of Kevin Kelly.

French more active European bloggers according to Forrester

  • 3% of online Europeans blog.
  • France, Italy and Spain combined = 57% of European bloggers. Germany is only 13%.
  • France leads the pack with one million active bloggers (don't know how they define "active blogger").

Could not find the original survey online. Anyone?

Article in French on Journal du Net.

Friday, November 17, 2006

Be a winner, not a sinner!

This post may only appeal to Londoners who pass by Oxford Circus on their way to work or shop. One man has been a stalwart of the West-End landscape for nearly a decade: he has a megaphone and relentlessly preaches about Jesus with his famous catchphrase: "Be a winner, not a sinner" to the amusement and irritation of anyone at hearing distance., a satirical online community is running an interview with London’s most famous street-preacher. While I will keep my non-beliefs to myself, I am encouraging you to read this excellent interview to discover the man behind the apparent madness. Thumbs up for and Phil: they both try to make the world a better place. One by making us laugh and the other by making us think.

Thursday, November 16, 2006

UK's fourth largest religion, Jedi Knights demands UN recognition

In the 2001 UK Census 390,000 people listed their religion as Jedi Knight making it the fourth biggest belief in the country. Now they are delivering a protest letter to the UN for official recognition. May the force be with them.

Monday, November 13, 2006

Blogging in Europe: Brits least aware, France rocks, blogs more trusted than television.

Research by Ipsos Mori found that only 50% of UK residents have heard of blogs compared to 90% in France, 58% in Italy, 55% in Germany and 51% in Spain. Other findings from the research:
  • 30% polled consider newspaper most trusted media, 24% favoured blog, 17% television and 14% email marketing.
  • 52% said they are more likely to buy a product if they have read a positive review online.
  • 34% said they opted-out of buying a product because of negative reviews online.

Press release here. Article here. First read in PR Week, 10th of November.

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Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Euroblog 2007 Survey

If you are a Public Relations or Communications practitioner and working in Europe, please take part in this survey and share your opinion on the impact of weblogs and social software on public relations and communication management. All participants have the opportunity to register for a free summary of the results at the end of the survey. Survey link.

Thursday, November 02, 2006

I want a winepod for Christmas

A winepod is a state-of-the-art fermentation, pressing, and ageing personal wine making unit. It is designed like a cocoon, packed with interactive features (you can control temperature, post videos, connect with other winepod users...) and it holds 57 litres of wine (average consumption in UK is about 12 litres - 49 liters for France - so you and your friends won't run out.. of good things to say about the Winepod).

Monday, October 30, 2006

The Dark Side of Social Media

Rohit Bhargava comments on the risks for consumers to be turned off from blogs, who supposed to be genuine voices but who are increasingly tainted by "flogs" and "astroturfing". His 5 lessons:
- Be as transparent as you can
- Don't be affraid to admit you are marketing,
- Understand who your detractors are and assume they will always hate you
- Make sure you have supporters that will fight for you
- Listen, participate and respond

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Add social bar on

VideoWrap has written a nice piece of code to insert into your template to allow your readers to automatically bookmark to Digg,, ReddIt, Slashdot, Furl, Newsvine and Yahoo. I am trying it on this blog.

Monday, October 23, 2006

The nail that stands out will be hammered down

The Internet Society of China has recommended to the government that bloggers be required to use their real names when they register blogs. CNN Technology.

Thursday, October 19, 2006

Teenagers, MySpace, Google: the tale of an imperfect web

Dr. Sam Vaknin writes on how Google, MySpace, Blogspot and Wikipedia feed on each other and distort natural positioning in search engines. For example if website A has 700 incoming links from 700 different websites and website B has 700 incoming links, all of them from various pages on MySpace, website B will be ranked higher in Google's search results.

He concludes that since MySpace users are predominantly teenagers, they are the ones who control which websites feature in Google's first results, therefore control the web.

Via Steve Rubel

South Korea invents the "wifelogger"

Korean housewives are keen on blogging. They are known as "wifeloggers", earning fame and apparently US$2,000 monthly on average from their online diaries . See article on Channel News Asia (Singapore). Interesting facts about South Korea (SK):
  • 2/3rd of SK's homemakers are online
  • 300,000 are active bloggers
  • Internet users in SK prefer pictures over text and videos over still photographs
  • They spend an average of 47 hours online every month, highest after Israelis and Finns.

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Nissan won defamation lawsuit against French blogger

Stephanie Gonier is an ex-Nissan executive. She took parental leave and was unhappy about how she was treated when she came back. She started a blog where she recorded her story including scans of her correspondence with the company, culminating to her dismissal. Nissan took the matter to court. While the tribunal acknowledged her right to self-expression, she published personal data about her colleagues, violating their right to privacy and was accused of defamation.

Via Liberation (in French)