Friday, October 31, 2008

Amazon's one-click patent invalidated?

The U.S. Court of Appeals in Washington, D.C. ruled that business methods are not patentable unless they meet fairly narrow rules.

Via TechCrunch.

Monday, October 27, 2008

Ground breaking Youtube ad for Nintendo Wii Wario Land game

See for yourself. (wait 10 seconds in the video...).

Seller threatens lawsuit after negative eBay feedback

While it is important that businesses have means to protect their reputation (especially on the ground of defamation), a victory for the scorned seller will be bad news for buyers AND sellers. Buyers will have less incentive to post feedback due to the threat of lawsuits. They will also have less trust in reviews and ratings since they know it is forcibly positively biased. As a result, the reputation system that benefit sellers will lose its credibility. Everyone loses. From the Register.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

The end of Web 2.0?

Less money for start-ups, business models solely based on advertising under strains and heavy posturing from VCs to freak out entrepreneurs and extract more equity for less cash. Well summarised in Rob Hof's post "Is That the Sound of the Silicon Valley Web 2.0 Bubble Bursting?" and John C Abell's Wired article "The End of Web 2.0?"

Monday, October 20, 2008

Wednesday, October 01, 2008

Google puts 2001 search index back online to celebrate 10 years anniversary.

Clever and fun. A search for "iPod" brings back "Image Proof of Deposit Document Processing System" and Facebook brings back "ESPP FACEBOOK. A searchable database of all students and faculty in ESPP". Try the 2001 index here. Via the Google Blog.

Beyond PR in Advertising Age top 100 European marketing blogs

Number 66. This explains why I receive so many lame pitches from small PR outfits in Iowa.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

First skyscraper to be built in Paris for 30 years unveiled.

A 180 metres tall pyramid. Striking design. As the Onion would have put it: It will host the entire population of France and will be made of ivory :-)

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Monday, September 15, 2008

The Great Wine Swindle

Forget Facebook's redesign, here is an issue you should be really concerned about: According to Malcolm Gluck, wine producers use "a host of additives" to disguise the flavour or inferior grapes without listing them on the labels. The list includes sugar, hydrochloric acid, yeasts and ascorbic acid (sometimes they use harmful substances to raise alcohol content and traces of fertilisers have been found in some champagnes). I am not surprised here but what bothers me is that the Wine and Spirits Trade Association is exempt from labelling rules. Their spokesperson says that "it is possible for drinkers to find out what is in their wine by talking to the maker or importer". So the next time you are in Waitrose, make sure you brush up on your French or Italian to call the maker or importer of every bottle you are considering buying, should you find their phone number. Operators are on standby to confess that they top up their wine with ethanol... This is laughable in a pathetic way.

Saturday, September 13, 2008


The Daily Mash on the user-generated uproar following Facebook's slight redesign. For those who subscribed to the "bring the old Facebook" back groups, and those supporting the new design: Get a Life!