Thursday, May 01, 2008

How Europe can shape the global system?

Good article about the end of the "unipolar" world doctrine as preached by the neocons (which is also the end of American influence) and how Europe could carve itself a role in today's multipolar world. Anecdotally, European standards are the reference in manufacturing processes across a wide range of goods in Asia. Financial Times

On a totally unrelated topic, I am testing Three's new mobile broadband offer and will report on it very shortly.

Thursday, April 24, 2008


All explained in the Daily Mash:

"We're planting crops for fuel instead of food in order to make it cheaper to drive to the shops where we then buy food that is much more expensive because we've planted crops for fuel instead of food."(...) "Meanwhile, the banks are borrowing money from taxpayers so that they can then lend the same money back to the taxpayers at a higher rate of interest than they borrowed it from them in the first place."

It is so funnily true that it is sad.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

The world 50 best restaurants, where is Asia?

Published by Restaurant magazine, The San Pellegrino World's 50 Best Restaurants is recognized around the world as the most credible indicator of the best places to eat on Earth.

In 2008, Spanish El Bulli is number one again, The UK's Fat Duck back to number 2, French Pierre Gagnaire is number 3.

I mapped the top 50 per countries only to find out that there are no restaurants listed in Asia. I can't believe that there are no kitchen in Hong Kong, Shanghai or Tokyo that serve better food than in Hakkasan or Nobu (just to mention 2 "asian fusion" restaurants listed in the UK).

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Monday, April 07, 2008

Funny: how products differ between packaging and reality

100 products have been reviewed on the Pundo3000 website. Click on a picture to see the pack v. reality .

As seen on Mr Brown.

An iPhone for £78 (US$150)

That is 99 euros to you and only available from T-Mobile in Germany. O2 confirmed that it had no immediate intention to cut prices.

The secret strategy behind viral videos on Youtube

My friend Val flagged this article on Techcrunch US: The secret strategy behind viral video, written by the co-founder of Comotion, a viral marketing agency. This post apparently broke the record of the most commented post. It reveals some trade secrets on how to make a video popular on Youtube (and similar video sharing sites). Good read. The comments are interesting too as the article broke many "cluetrain manifesto's naive beliefs": internet users may have a bigger voice now but it is still corporations that are writing most of the script.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Technology of tomorrow, soon available in London

Jimmy Wales, Wikipedia, Richard Branson, Virgin, Carly Fiorina, ex HP and Steve Wozniak, ex Apple will gather at the Royal Albert Hall on the 3oth of September to talk about how we consume, use and apply technology in our lives and in business.

The event's website hosts a few video interviews. I might attend. These are the topics I am interested to hear about:
  • What are the strategic challenges in delivering new products or services to market?
  • How does a CEO manage through technological change?
  • How does the right leadership strategy influence the fostering of innovation in your people?
  • What new technologies are likely to shape the consumer technology market, and how will social lifestyles evolve as a result of these technologies?
  • Are we expecting to see greater network bandwidth, if so, how will that affect feature rich application software?
  • What does mobile computing look like in the next 5 years from the PDA/Mobile to PC computing?
  • What does Web 3.0 look like in terms of using the cloud (internet) to do more computing?
  • How will social and business networking technologies evolve on the web?
  • What new web-based applications can we expect to see in the next 5 years?

The Daily Mash

I discovered The Daily Mash too late... yet it almost beats the Onion on the satirical laughing scale. I'll have to make up by trolling through their archives.

Monday, March 17, 2008

You can opt-out of Facebook but you can never leave

Alex Pell writes on how Facebook makes it so difficult to resign from its services.

The way out? "To delete your details permanently you must first unearth the anonymous-looking customer service form that is hidden away at (...) When completing this form tell Facebook in both the subject and the message fields that you wish to have your account deleted. To check if this has been done properly either create a fake Facebook account or ask a friend to search for your details a few days later."

French ruling party taking a beating at local elections

From the Times. I think that while many French voters were put off by the President' showbiz approach to government, the majority just understood what he meant by "change"... As this election results shows, the French do not have an appetite for reforming their system yet. This could dampen the government's initiatives and push the country back into its well worn cycle of "immobilisme". Plus ca change, plus c'est la meme chose!

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Have you heard of eco-tourism? Help me test a new business idea and win...

Hello Dear Readers,

I am working on a new business project in the area of sustainable tourism / eco-resorts. I am particularly interested to hear from Canadians, Brits and Americans as these are our target customers. Your opinion will make a difference on how we position and market our project:

This survey takes 5 minutes to complete only and you will stand the chance to win a $50 Amazon voucher.

Thank you for your help, and good luck with the draw.

Sunday, March 09, 2008

Misery makes Britons happy, says US writer

"Former New York Times journalist Eric Weiner claims Brits are never happier than when at their most miserable."
The Telegraph

Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Warner music declares war on Apple with £5 iPod album

Warner: £5, Apple: £7.99. Price war! It is about time...

Daily Mail

Note2be, teachers rating website lost court case

A French tribunal condemned Note2be (see my previous post) to remove all personal and identifying informations regarding teachers. The website can still rate schools but not individuals. The site owner are appealing the ruling.

This could apply to any website ratings individuals (plumbers, accountants, consultants...).

French article in Liberation.

Monday, March 03, 2008

Man charged £11,000 to download 4 episodes of Friends on his mobile phone

Wife used an unlimited broadband package from Vodafone mobile to order the programs in the UK, husband went to Germany with the phone while the download was still in progress. The bill: £11,000 ($22,000). Ofcom said it will investigate.

Article in the Telegraph.

Saturday, March 01, 2008

'Pilgrim' abandons cashless 'peace walk' to India after encounter with the French

At least, this is how it sounds in the Evening Standard. Mark Boyle and two companions planned to walk to India relying solely on people's generosity to fund their trip. They made it as far as France: "Not only did no one speak the language, they also see us as just a bunch of freeloading backpackers, which is the complete opposite of what the pilgrimage is really about." They called off the trip and are now back in the UK.