Monday, May 18, 2009

The end of free online news?

Rupert Murdoch is looking to start charging readers to access his online papers. While many will dismiss it as rearguard fighting, I will not be surprised if other publishers jump in at the chance. As their readership moves online, newspaper publishers just can't make enough money on the Internet through advertising alone to run their business. The billion dollars question is whether there would be sufficient willing payers to compensate the drop in online readership (i.e. online advertising revenues) when they start charging. It looks like we will soon find out.

CNN article (still free).

Monday, May 04, 2009

Is a Recession the Perfect Time to Start a Business?

In theory, resources would cost less but Jeff Nolan shows that it is not to be taken for granted. In a comment Edwk makes valid points: People joining you know that it will be tough so are more motivated and you have less competitors throwing money at the problem you are trying to solve.

Saturday, May 02, 2009

The Best job in the World, Queensland Tourism campaign explained

"... for US$1m, it generated US$70m of global publicity." and was probably one of the best campaigns of its kind I have seen for a long time. BBC.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Gaping Void's Macleod writing book

"ignore everybody" launches June 11th, 2009. I have always been a great fan of the cartoons and iconoclastic marketing thoughts so will await anxiously.

Friday, April 17, 2009

Pirate Bay guilty verdict: Now what?

"...the site will almost certainly continue to operate and the legal battle will carry on for many months - or even years - to come...". The Register. A victory for litigation over innovation.

Cambridge researchers slam Facebook democracy

"...the revised document is effectively identical to the original version, with merely superficial changes...". Ouch! Computer Weekly.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Goldman Sachs hires law firm to shut down blogger's site

I'll take it that Goldman have been spared by the crisis and have plenty of time in their hands. Article on the Telegraph. The blog in question is

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Google Street View does not breach privacy laws

"If consent were required by the law then the producers of, say, Match of the Day, would have to gain the consent of all people attending televised football matches who might be caught on camera". Enough said. Guardian.

Friday, April 03, 2009

Thursday, April 02, 2009

Biting the hand that feed: Can we monetize social media?

David Rowan, editor of the new UK Wired edition takes a shot at Second Life (the national sport at the moment) and hits all other social networks/services in the same time. The best business minds have spent over a decade figuring out a profitable business model for online media or social networks and the best option so far is still selling to an even bigger online media or social network. With the crisis shrinking everyone to size and funding drying up, this brings us in a world where we accept that online networks can only be a "cost of doing business", where we continue chasing an elusive magical business model that will turn millions of users into millions of customers or where we start charging people for services they clearly value. My hunch is on the 3rd option.

Twitter switch for Guardian, after 188 years of ink

Great April's fools fun from the Guardian.

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Friday, March 20, 2009

Google Street View now in the UK...

... And the results are just amazing. Conveniently, a picture was taken just in front of my former flat and as a result, I am missing London.

Explore at and tick Street View under "Layers".

Sunday, March 15, 2009

The crisis of credit, visualised

One of the best explanations of the credit crunch I have seen. First seen on Mr Brown, blogger extraordinaire of Singapore.

The Crisis of Credit Visualized from Jonathan Jarvis on Vimeo.

Sunday, March 08, 2009

Microsoft Office labs vision 2019

In 2019, there will be tactile screens everywhere. The only gardens will be on rooftops and we will all live in Hong Kong. Don't believe me? See for yourself:

Thank you to El Blogador for sending me this story. Read post from Long Zheng.

Thursday, March 05, 2009

IAB develops new guidelines for behavioural advertising

Self-regulatory and signed by AOL, Google, Microsoft, Yahoo!... The guidelines can be summarized as:
  • Notice
Each Member shall provide clear and unambiguous notice to users that it collects data for the purposes of OBA. This notice shall include information about what types of data are collected, how these data are being used and how users can decline OBA with respect to that Member.
  • User choice
Each Member shall provide an approved means for consumers to decline OBA from that Member and information on how to do it.
  • User Education
Each Member shall make information available to educate users about OBA and ensure that this information is easily accessible.

And of course, "No Member shall create OBA segments intended for the sole purpose of targeting children under the age of 13 years".

Full guidelines on IAB site.
First read on the BBC.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

"Lunatic bloggers can keep the blogosphere"

Guardian article about Ryanair v. Jason Roe, a freelance developer/blogger. I don't condone the tone of Ryanair's response but the short of it is that Ryanair can get away with that. Most of those commenting and swearing they will never fly Ryanair will quickly change their mind when asked to pay £100 more for the same journey with another airline. If they don't mind paying more, they are not Ryanair's customer target anyway.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Facebook U-turn again

For the time being, your pictures belong to you. Guardian. Funny how the Facebook team still hasn't figured out a way to connect with their users before implementing such policies.

Monday, February 16, 2009

Military’s killer robots must learn warrior code

" Autonomous military robots that will fight future wars must be programmed to live by a strict warrior code or the world risks untold atrocities at their steely hands" According to a report from the Ethics and Emerging Technology group. Article in the Times with a priceless comment from Dave E., Laos: "Marvelous – puts the recession into perspective though doesn’t it. Who needs to worry about losing their jobs when in fact the real danger is killer robots without conscience stalking the earth….".

Saturday, January 31, 2009

Monday, January 26, 2009

The World's best complaint letter

LinkTo Richard Branson from a Virgin airline customer on the Mumbai to Heathrow flight last December. Hilarious.
On the Telegraph.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Affordable glasses turn your computer screen in 3D

"NVIDIA has created a kit that turns computer screen images 3D provided machines have GeForce graphics processors and one of the new-generation of high-resolution monitors launched at CES by Samsung, ViewSonic, or Mitsubishi. (...) Because the technology works with monitors, 2D computer games can be replayed in three dimensions". AFP article.

I want one! and loads of Panadol.

Friday, January 09, 2009

50 Reasons Why More People Aren't Using Your Website

Written by Scott Heiferman. The top 3 are the most common issues:

1. Because they don't want to generate content, they want better life
2. Because it solves a problem they don't have
3. Because it won't help them with their problem

Wednesday, January 07, 2009


"BRITAIN'S estate agents are showing houses to each other in a bid to combat loneliness and prevent their traditional skills from dying out." Another classic from the Daily Mash.

Atheist advertising campaign goes global, thousand more buses to burn in Hell!

800 buses in the UK, a thousand tube cards, 2 LCD screens opposite Bond Street tube station, buses in Barcelona, Italy, the U.S. (Washington only)...

If only more were heeding this message from the American Humanist Association: "Just be good for goodness' sake".

Guardian article.

Tuesday, January 06, 2009

A floating city to welcome future global warming escapists?

Floating eco-city concept by French architect Vincent Callebaut. The city generates more energy than it consumes through a combination of wave power and solar energy. It can host 50,000 people. No price tag yet but it is safe to assume that it will be used as a luxury development rather than a viable solution for the expected millions of people displaced from their homeland by the rising seas. It looks beautiful though... Article in French in Le Monde.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Google fall out of 20 Most Trusted Companies list, Facebook creeps in.

In 2007, Google featured in the top 10. In 2008, it doesn't make the top 20. As seen on Andy Beal who includes a top 10 comparison with 2007. Truste reckons that influential factors this year were:
  • Importance of privacy continues to rise.
  • Consumers feel they are losing control of personal information.
  • Identity theft is top of mind.
This is a US survey, not global.

2008 Ranking
1 American Express (remained number one)
2 eBay (+6)
3 IBM (no change)
4 Amazon (+1)
5 Johnson & Johnson (+1)
6 Hewlett Packard (+10)
6 U.S. Postal Service (+1)
7 Procter & Gamble (+2)
8 Apple (new to the top 20)
9 Nationwide (remained the same)
10 Charles Schwab (-8)
11 USAA (+4)
12 Intuit (+7)
13 WebMD (-1)
14 Yahoo! (new to the top 20)
15 Facebook (new to the top 20)
16 Disney (-1)
16 AOL (-12)
17 Verizon (new to the top 20)
18 FedEx (new to the top 20)
19 US Bank (-2)
20 Dell (-7)
20 eLoan (-9)

Monday, December 01, 2008

Warning: UK fraudsters target online car sales

I am selling my car and posted on Autotrader last weekend. So far I received no less than 4 scam emails from crooks trying to part me from my cash. Fortunately, I did my research and came across this excellent explanation from Jim at Autoshippers UK. I am trying to summarise it here but please read his comprehensive post.

The typical scam involves a "buyer" purporting to be a garage wanting to pay the price and pay you extra for you to pay his shipping agent directly. Say you sell your car for £5K and shipping costs £500. You accept his offer, receive a cheque for the car plus extra for the shipping (£5.5K). Your bank informs you that the cheque has been paid to your account. You pay the shipping agent as instructed for £500, usually through Moneygram. A few days later, your bank informs you that the cheque has bounced and withdraws the amount from your account. Leaving you with having paid "shipping fees" of £500 to some unknown untraceable "shipping agent".

You have been warned.

Zinio: Search and read over 50,000 international magazines... for free.

Goodbye press-clipping fees! See Zinio Inside. The coverage in Europe seems limited but worth adding to your "PR on the cheap" toolbox.

As read on Micropersuasion.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

World Philosophy Day: Something to think about.

Philosophy was one of my favourite subjects in school. Today it is world philosophy day (so I just learned) and the BBC has a thought-provoking article with 4 questions guaranteed to make you think... twice.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

iPhone Google application baffled by British accents

"The free application, which allows iPhone owners to use the Google search engine with their voice, mistook the word "iPhone" variously for "sex," "Einstein" and "kitchen sink". AFP.
I can't imagine what my French accent would have produced...

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

The economics of Spam: 0.00000008% response rate = $3.5M turnover

Academics at Berkeley used the "Storm botnet" network to blast 350 million emails for "male enhancement products" at a cost of about $80 per million emails sent. 28 sales resulted with an average purchase price of $100. They estimated that such campaigns when fully utilising the network could mean gross revenues of $7,000 to $9,500 a day, or $3.5 million a year for the spammers.

First read in The Register.

Full study here.

Monday, November 10, 2008

How to monetize bloggers' ego?

1. Create an award for "Best Blog". Include as many categories as possible so everyone stand a chance.
2. Mass-email bloggers to enter the award.
3. Charge $275 per blog for entry ($195 if you enter before November 14, $250 before December 15).
4. Mass-email bloggers to vote for their favourite blogs in the proposed categories (less work for you).
5. Laugh all the way to the bank. Repeat next year.


Wednesday, November 05, 2008

The World has voted: Change we can finally believe in

Across the World, Obama won 9,115 electoral colleges vote against 203 for McCain. The only countries where McCain overtook Obama were Iraq, Algeria and Congo. See full results on the Economist website (Courtesy of El Blogador). In the U.S., the race was narrower with 52% of votes to Obama v. 47% for McCain (CNN).

Friday, October 31, 2008

Email error ends up on road sign

The Welsh sign reads "I am not in the office at the moment. Please send any work to be translated." From the BBC. Instant classic.

Amazon's one-click patent invalidated?

The U.S. Court of Appeals in Washington, D.C. ruled that business methods are not patentable unless they meet fairly narrow rules.

Via TechCrunch.

Monday, October 27, 2008

Ground breaking Youtube ad for Nintendo Wii Wario Land game

See for yourself. (wait 10 seconds in the video...).

Seller threatens lawsuit after negative eBay feedback

While it is important that businesses have means to protect their reputation (especially on the ground of defamation), a victory for the scorned seller will be bad news for buyers AND sellers. Buyers will have less incentive to post feedback due to the threat of lawsuits. They will also have less trust in reviews and ratings since they know it is forcibly positively biased. As a result, the reputation system that benefit sellers will lose its credibility. Everyone loses. From the Register.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

The end of Web 2.0?

Less money for start-ups, business models solely based on advertising under strains and heavy posturing from VCs to freak out entrepreneurs and extract more equity for less cash. Well summarised in Rob Hof's post "Is That the Sound of the Silicon Valley Web 2.0 Bubble Bursting?" and John C Abell's Wired article "The End of Web 2.0?"

Monday, October 20, 2008

Wednesday, October 01, 2008

Google puts 2001 search index back online to celebrate 10 years anniversary.

Clever and fun. A search for "iPod" brings back "Image Proof of Deposit Document Processing System" and Facebook brings back "ESPP FACEBOOK. A searchable database of all students and faculty in ESPP". Try the 2001 index here. Via the Google Blog.

Beyond PR in Advertising Age top 100 European marketing blogs

Number 66. This explains why I receive so many lame pitches from small PR outfits in Iowa.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

First skyscraper to be built in Paris for 30 years unveiled.

A 180 metres tall pyramid. Striking design. As the Onion would have put it: It will host the entire population of France and will be made of ivory :-)

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Monday, September 15, 2008

The Great Wine Swindle

Forget Facebook's redesign, here is an issue you should be really concerned about: According to Malcolm Gluck, wine producers use "a host of additives" to disguise the flavour or inferior grapes without listing them on the labels. The list includes sugar, hydrochloric acid, yeasts and ascorbic acid (sometimes they use harmful substances to raise alcohol content and traces of fertilisers have been found in some champagnes). I am not surprised here but what bothers me is that the Wine and Spirits Trade Association is exempt from labelling rules. Their spokesperson says that "it is possible for drinkers to find out what is in their wine by talking to the maker or importer". So the next time you are in Waitrose, make sure you brush up on your French or Italian to call the maker or importer of every bottle you are considering buying, should you find their phone number. Operators are on standby to confess that they top up their wine with ethanol... This is laughable in a pathetic way.

Saturday, September 13, 2008


The Daily Mash on the user-generated uproar following Facebook's slight redesign. For those who subscribed to the "bring the old Facebook" back groups, and those supporting the new design: Get a Life!

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Brands fight bloggers with 'fact' websites

Interesting article about companies setting-up dedicated websites to provide their point-of-view on rumours or perceptions relayed by bloggers.

Tuesday, September 09, 2008

Wikipedia founder launches Green Wikipedia

Wikia Green aims to build the best resource for citizens of the Earth to learn about the environment and how to live a more sustainable life. Commendable.

Sunday, September 07, 2008

Eat less meat to fight climate change

UN figures suggest that meat production puts more greenhouse gases into the atmosphere than transport (18% v. 13%). BBC.

Thursday, September 04, 2008

Singapore Animated: First public screening of Singaporean animated short films at the ICA, London

If you like animation and short films, don't miss Singapore Animated at the Institute of Contemporary Art on the 25th of October.

Organised by the Singapore Creative Network UK, the event is the first public screening of some of the best animations from Singapore c
urated by Gavin Lim, an award-winning director in the Singapore International Film Festival.

Mysteries of the Universe to be solved next Wednesday

The Times' science editor reports on the Large Hadron Collider that will help us understand how the Universe works while creating a blackhole that will devour Earth.

Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Google v. Microsoft, the browser war

Microsoft's IE8 includes a feature to hide your tracks, making it harder for Google to collect data and to serve you targeted ads based on this data. Google's response? A new Google browser to compete with IE.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

UK to become the biggest country in the EU in 50 years' time,

By 2060, the population of major Europen countries will be:
  • UK 77 million
  • France 72
  • Germany 71
  • Italy 59
  • Spain 52
Article from the Guardian.

Thursday, August 21, 2008 Stream video live from your phone

The power of a live broadcast studio in your hand. Love the concept. What is not answered in their FAQs is: How much does this really cost?

Update: Sandrine pointed to me that the service isfree. Data charges depend on your plan with your phone provider.

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Beware of a new Facebook scam!

Today you may receive a message on your wall saying "Hey. Somebody wrote something about you in their blog.. everybody needs to see this.. Go here" followed by a blogspot URL. This will redirect you to a fake Facebook page where you will be prompted to enter your Facebook login details. DON'T FALL FOR IT! It is a scam designed by people keen to get hold of your personal data. I almost went for it but noticed the unusual URL at the top of the "fake Facebook page". Consider it a civic duty to spread the word.

Friday, August 08, 2008

Apple removes I Am Rich, a $1,000 featureless iPhone application

"Eight people bought the software, which has no function except to alert other people that you have money"... so why did Apple blocked it? Story on the LA Times.

Wednesday, August 06, 2008

Google offers free music in China

The service will let users search songs by singer or song title then download them from partner website, a Chinese music site. From CNet.

Friday, August 01, 2008

Google Lively, a Second Life killer? Yes but a slow death.

Google launched Lively, a browser based Second Life style real-time 3d world. It looks good, clean and fun but if you thought Second Life was slow... wait till you try Lively. Will it kill Second Life? Most Second Life users don't speculate on virtual lands and use the platform to meet and chat. They are the ones most likely to be seduced by Google Lively. Especially if they are from South Korea, the country of mega-fast broadband. For everyone else, they will prefer not to use Second Life than not to use Google Lively until they get a 50MB broadband connection. Via Tech Crunch.

Nasa: There is water on Mars

From the Guardian.

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Growth slump may force Italy out of eurozone

For my Italian readers. This is according to Capital Economics and the article is purposely alarmist.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Technorati state of the Blogosphere

The new results are not in but the survey leading to them is available here:

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Google Knol, a Wikipedia rival?

The main difference between the two is that Google Knol puts the spotlight on authors and their opinions while Wikipedia strives to be factual. To that extent it is more a Squidoo or an rival. It is very early day but the obvious pitfal for such venture is to prevent articles from turning into disguised sales pitches. Another concern is that Google will favour Google Knol articles over Wikipedia in its search queries.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Beyond PR #24 on top 50 PR blogs in the world

There is a bit of a ranking mania at the moment. This one was compiled by Matthew Watson from the excellent Rainier PR. All I can say is a big thank you for including Beyond PR.

Shapeways lets you create real 3D objects

Upload your 3D design on Netherlands based Shapeways' website (incubated by Philips). They will provide you with a quote for 3D printing with a choice of four kinds of plastics (metal is planned) and shipping it wherever you like. The site uses 3D industry standard file formats (STL, Collada, X3D) and the average cost of objects is $50 - $150. As seen on TechCrunch.

I am very excited about the possibilities for artists and designers, from anime figurines to limited edition jewelleries.

See how it works here:

Monday, July 21, 2008

StudiVZ sued by Facebook?

German's premier social network is apparently being sued by Facebook for "intellectual property infringement". Seen on TechCrunch.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Do problems with Wikipedia presage social networking’s end?

A provocative title but an otherwise thought provoking article about the fallacy of "democratic content" through user generated media. From Paul Murphy, ZDNet.

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Is there a point to business training? Britain's most mickey mouse training courses

A funny article from

Monday, July 07, 2008

Google v. Your Privacy

Google is taking a lot of flack on user privacy. The company has been forced to handover Youtube's log data to Viacom and is now being questionned about its streetview pictures in Europe. See ZDNet Garett Rogers and for summaries/references.