Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Shapeways lets you create real 3D objects
I am very excited about the possibilities for artists and designers, from anime figurines to limited edition jewelleries.
See how it works here:
Monday, July 21, 2008
StudiVZ sued by Facebook?
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Do problems with Wikipedia presage social networking’s end?
Monday, July 14, 2008
Friday, July 11, 2008
Thursday, July 10, 2008
Is there a point to business training? Britain's most mickey mouse training courses
Wednesday, July 09, 2008
Monday, July 07, 2008
Google v. Your Privacy
Friday, July 04, 2008
Biofuels to blame for 75 per cent increase in price of food
Tuesday, July 01, 2008
Man sues old schoolfriend for libel after he made 'fake' entries on Facebook
Friday, June 27, 2008
Icann's new naming system is a brand owner's nightmare
Article on Outlaw.com
Given how companies are already struggling to cope with existing limited domain names, not to mention the confusion over the .eu domain name, this will fun to watch.
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Why are gas prices rising?
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Google launching research and media planning tool for professional ad planners
Apply for Google Ad Planner beta login here.
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Monday, June 09, 2008
Photoshop Disasters, the Blog
Sunday, June 08, 2008
Thursday, June 05, 2008
What makes a viral ad?
- Controversy is the mother of advertising.
- Get viewers to wonder whether it is real or not
- Ignite communities
- Thrown down the gaunglet
- Make it hilarious if it has to be fun
- Titillate...
Monday, May 26, 2008
Cannabis blunder at Tokyo airport
From the BBC.
University of Southern California releases generally accepted PR practices study
This is an academic study conducted by Jerry Swerling, Professor and Director of PR at the USC. I am blogging about it as although this is a US study, the findings apply to European markets:
- In 2007, PR budgets increased on average by 7%
- Organizations remain reluctant or unable to allocate adequate resources to PR evaluation, preferring to focus on execution (so true...)
- Increasingly the PR function reported directly to the C-Suite at 64% reporting to human resources, legal, finance and strategic planning.
- PR was ranked as the top contributor to success among respondents at government agencies and among all but the very largest not-for-profits, suggesting that one of the benefits of working in the government or not-for-profit arena is the extent
to which PR is seen as an important player.
- GAP Best Practice #1: Maintain a higher than average ratio of PR budget to gross revenue (GAP PR/GR Ratio).
- GAP Best Practice #2: Report directly and exclusively to the C-Suite.
- GAP Best Practice #3: Optimize the C-Suite’s understanding of PR’s current and potential contributions to the success of the organization as a
- whole.
- GAP Best Practice #4: Establish an effective social responsibility strategy for your organization.
- GAP Best Practice #5: Establish an effective digital-media strategy for your organization.
- GAP Best Practice #6: Establish an effective issues-management strategy for your organization.
- GAP Best Practice #7: Optimize integration and coordination within the PR/Communications function, and between it and other organizational functions.
- GAP Best Practice #8: Encourage highly ethical practices across the organization, beginning with communication.
- GAP Best Practice #9: Encourage the organization-wide adoption of a long-term strategic point of view, beginning with communication.
- GAP Best Practice #10: Encourage the organization-wide adoption of a proactive mindset, beginning with communication.
- GAP Best Practice #11: Encourage the organization-wide adoption of a flexible mindset, beginning with communication.
- GAP Best Practice #12: Optimize the integration of PR and reputational considerations into top-level organizational strategies.
- GAP Best Practice #13: Measurably contribute to organizational success.
Check out the full study at USC.
Thursday, May 22, 2008
BrandTags: See what people think of brands
Check it out: BrandTags.
Do you know who I am! Ladbrokes CEO bullies British Airways.
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Fifidel: real time negotiation engine for product sales
Wednesday, May 07, 2008
Affordable Mobile Broadband on the go with Three
If you are a business nomad, you would want to consider Three’s mobile broadband offer. I am testing it courtesy of the folks at 3MobileBuzz.
The first SIM I received was faulty but I got it replaced quickly. This is my second experience with their call centre and I must say that once again they did a great job: professional and courteous. So dealing with it wasn’t the hassle I anticipated.
Setting-up your connection is pretty easy, at least on a Mac:
- Insert the SIM card in the USB modem. You only need to do that once.
- Plug-in the dongle
- When it mounts, click on the “Mobile Connect” application.
- Click on “Connect”.
That’s it, you are online.
Connection speed varies a lot. My very first test was at my school in Baker Street. The connection was unfortunately too slow to check-out my emails. I did subsequent trials at various locations around London and the speed was good enough to check emails and surf the web. I plan to try a Skype video call this weekend, which would be the ultimate deal clincher for me.
Three has a special offer and retail their USB modem from £49.99. On contract plans, you get 1GB allowance for £10, 3GB for £15 and 7GB for £25. This is similar to the 2 other companies offering mobile broadband in the UK: Vodafone is also charging £15 for 3GB allowance so is T-Mobile. The latter has an “unlimited data” plan, which is in fact a 10GB allowance for £35 a month. Telecom plans are notoriously difficult to compare as companies have all incentives to make it look like it is different from their competitors so I am going to ask a few questions to my contacts there so I could work out where the real value is in the market.
In the meantime, I will make the most of the sunshine with some outdoor blogging.
Saturday, May 03, 2008
The triumph of form over substance: Boris Johnson wins London
Thursday, May 01, 2008
How Europe can shape the global system?
On a totally unrelated topic, I am testing Three's new mobile broadband offer and will report on it very shortly.
Thursday, April 24, 2008
All explained in the Daily Mash:
"We're planting crops for fuel instead of food in order to make it cheaper to drive to the shops where we then buy food that is much more expensive because we've planted crops for fuel instead of food."(...) "Meanwhile, the banks are borrowing money from taxpayers so that they can then lend the same money back to the taxpayers at a higher rate of interest than they borrowed it from them in the first place."
It is so funnily true that it is sad.
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
The world 50 best restaurants, where is Asia?
In 2008, Spanish El Bulli is number one again, The UK's Fat Duck back to number 2, French Pierre Gagnaire is number 3.
I mapped the top 50 per countries only to find out that there are no restaurants listed in Asia. I can't believe that there are no kitchen in Hong Kong, Shanghai or Tokyo that serve better food than in Hakkasan or Nobu (just to mention 2 "asian fusion" restaurants listed in the UK).

Saturday, April 19, 2008
A decade of web design
Thursday, April 17, 2008
Friday, April 11, 2008
Hey this is my 500th post!
Monday, April 07, 2008
An iPhone for £78 (US$150)
The secret strategy behind viral videos on Youtube
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Technology of tomorrow, soon available in London
The event's website hosts a few video interviews. I might attend. These are the topics I am interested to hear about:
- What are the strategic challenges in delivering new products or services to market?
- How does a CEO manage through technological change?
- How does the right leadership strategy influence the fostering of innovation in your people?
- What new technologies are likely to shape the consumer technology market, and how will social lifestyles evolve as a result of these technologies?
- Are we expecting to see greater network bandwidth, if so, how will that affect feature rich application software?
- What does mobile computing look like in the next 5 years from the PDA/Mobile to PC computing?
- What does Web 3.0 look like in terms of using the cloud (internet) to do more computing?
- How will social and business networking technologies evolve on the web?
- What new web-based applications can we expect to see in the next 5 years?
The Daily Mash
Monday, March 17, 2008
You can opt-out of Facebook but you can never leave
The way out? "To delete your details permanently you must first unearth the anonymous-looking customer service form that is hidden away at tinyurl.com/2xv52v. (...) When completing this form tell Facebook in both the subject and the message fields that you wish to have your account deleted. To check if this has been done properly either create a fake Facebook account or ask a friend to search for your details a few days later."
French ruling party taking a beating at local elections
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
Have you heard of eco-tourism? Help me test a new business idea and win...
I am working on a new business project in the area of sustainable tourism / eco-resorts. I am particularly interested to hear from Canadians, Brits and Americans as these are our target customers. Your opinion will make a difference on how we position and market our project:
This survey takes 5 minutes to complete only and you will stand the chance to win a $50 Amazon voucher.
Thank you for your help, and good luck with the draw.
Sunday, March 09, 2008
Misery makes Britons happy, says US writer
The Telegraph
Tuesday, March 04, 2008
Warner music declares war on Apple with £5 iPod album
Warner: £5, Apple: £7.99. Price war! It is about time...
Daily Mail
Note2be, teachers rating website lost court case
This could apply to any website ratings individuals (plumbers, accountants, consultants...).
French article in Liberation.
Monday, March 03, 2008
Man charged £11,000 to download 4 episodes of Friends on his mobile phone
Article in the Telegraph.
Saturday, March 01, 2008
'Pilgrim' abandons cashless 'peace walk' to India after encounter with the French
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Scott Adams on Sarkozy and France's catchphrase "du moment" : "Casse toi pauvre con"
The comments are degenerating into love/hate the French, Freedom Fries and the meaning of "con". The latter was a slang for female genitalia (until the 70s) as well as meaning "jerk".
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
French teachers rating website to be sued, ruling to affect user generated content in France
So why are teachers so unhappy? According to Aurelie, a 24 years old primary school teacher "On the Internet, everything is graded. We are not products». Oh the irony...
Article in French in communist paper Liberation.
Monday, February 25, 2008
French President: "Casse toi alors pauvre con!"
Thursday, February 21, 2008
Facebook's first decline in users
Blip or trend?
Edited: "Three Skypephone, second-thought due to lack of customer service". Happy ending.
I will keep you updated.
Update: I had a call from Three at lunch time. The error is now fixed. The option to speak to a human being is there but quite hidden. The guy I spoke to was courteous and efficient though so that makes up for it. Case closed.
Update 2: I have receive an email from an executive at Three regarding my negative experience. The issue I highlighted above was fixed in a matter of 2 hours by phone. I will suggest that an option to speak to customer rep be made more prominent in the automated options for phone support. Apart from that, I am still happy with my Three Skypephone and I am happy to recommend it as well.
Monday, February 18, 2008
Cool Mobile Startups Products From the Mobile World Congress in Barcelona
My favorites: GestureTek (let you play games and use applications by detecting movements from your phone, like a Wii nunchak) and Audience, a noise suppression technology that recognizes your speech and filter out background noise for clearer voice chats.
Poor young people use Yahoo!, rich old people use Google

Intriguing research from Hitwise. Yahoo!'s users tend to be younger than Google too (which would partially explain the wealth gap). The size of the bubbles is the propensity to have spent $500 online.
Thursday, February 14, 2008
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
Why Illegal Downloaders Will Not Face a UK Ban
I personally think that the music industry should be spending more time working out a business model that is in tune with 21st century consumers instead of threatening privacy laws and its customer base. For an enlightened viewpoint, read the Register: "ISPs are calling on the record industry to put its money where its mouth is on illegal file-sharing, by underwriting the cost of lawsuits brought by people who are wrongly accused of downloading or uploading music" and Matt's excellent analysis of why this is stupid on torrentfreak: "This idea makes as much sense as trying to ban people from singing ‘Happy Birthday’ to each other over the telephone network, or burning down libraries to protect the publishing industry."(...) "CD sales are falling because nobody uses them anymore, and Hollywood is in rude health despite the pirates. There should be no more talk about changing laws and spending tax payer’s money on this ‘problem’ until someone proves there really is one."
Wednesday, February 06, 2008
Monday, February 04, 2008
Our media are mass producers of distortion
The most striking fact is a research on 2,000 UK news stories conducted by Cardiff University:
- Only 12% of the stories were wholly composed of material researched by reporters.
- 80%, of the stories were wholly, mainly or partially constructed from second-hand material, provided by news agencies and by the public relations industry.
- On stories written from press releases only 12% had their facts thoroughly checked.
Sunday, February 03, 2008
Friday, February 01, 2008
Microsoft to buy Yahoo! for $44.6Bn?
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
How to present like Steve Jobs
First read on Damien Mulley's fluffy links.
Monday, January 28, 2008
Qtrax, first music major endorsed P2P service... NOT!
Choosing forgiveness over permission is a risky PR strategy. Qtrax got huge amount of coverage, especially after the majors denied their agreements. They will always be able to make further announcements when deals are finalized and blame their over-enthusiastic nature for their first release: Now there is media interest to hear what they have to say and users know they exist. On the other hand, it adds unnecessary pressure to their negotiations with the music industry and their credibility will be dented. The end result: A lot of confused users will check-out Qtrax.com. I hope that their PR strategy was planned and that they provide some explanations on their website to capture this spike in traffic.
Sunday, December 23, 2007
Happy Holidays, Best Wishes for 2008
prosperous new year.
Thursday, December 20, 2007
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
I tried Three’s new Skype phone and I liked it
Two months later, upon my return to the UK, I received as promised 2 phones for a month long trial.
The phone
The silver ring around the Skype button is borderline bling but overall the phone is sleek and elegant in its simplicity. And it has a really nice feel when you hold it. I guess Three must have spend weeks with focus groups just to get the right weight, not too heavy, not too light resulting in this smooth feeling handset that fits nicely in the hand.

Decent colour screen, 2MB camera, takes pictures, videos and many other things that I could not be possibly bothered to mention, as I am not that geeky. Specs are there if you are interested (select a phone and click on "Mobile details").
The interface
Among the phones I used, Motorola consistently ranked worst in terms of clunky, non-intuitive user interface. Nokia is doing a pretty good job but I always had a soft spot for Sony-Ericksson. I am adding to my favourites Three’s interface which is easy to use and aesthetically pleasing. Good job for people like me who would rather never use a functionality than opening a user manual.
This is the crux of the matter. You can call and receive calls on Skype using Three’s network, which means you don’t rely on finding a wifi connection. Finally, I could talk to my Skype friends without being glued to my laptop. Because I am using Three’s network , voice quality was much better than my normal Skype calls. When logged-in to Skype (just press the “Skype” button), you will see your contacts and their status. To call, just select a contact and you are on. You can use Skype chat as well but the Three Skypephone does not support Skype Out or Skype In.
Live TV
The picture quality of live TV is impressive. Sharp and good streaming. On offer: BBC1, BBC3, BBC News, National Geographic, FHM, MTV…
Facebook, MSN, eBay and the likes
It has all that if you need it. There is a handy shortcut to Google Search on Three’s launcher (like a “Start menu on Windows). There is a direct link to Youtube as well so instead of spending too much money on video calls, post your clip on your Youtube channel for your friends to watch and reciprocate.
Finally, the price…
Now this is where it gets complicated, there are lots of information on rates and plans but it is a bit all over the place on Three’s website, and the small print is hard to find.
Pay As You Go (no contract)
You can buy a handset for £59.99 that includes a £10 top-up. You can use Skype for 30 days with a “fair use” policy (4,000 Skype minutes and 10,000 chat messages per month) but you need to top-up again with a minimum of £10 every 30 days.
Contracts are 18 months, which is far too long to consider for someone like me who spend months abroad. The cheapest plan is £12 a month and gives you 100 minutes or text messages. The phone comes free with the same “fair use” policy for Skype.
Live TV is £5 a month and add another £5 for unlimited web surfing. This will go on top of PAYG or contracts.
I showed the phone to a couple of friends and they all agreed that it is a looker with great functionality, with Skype, Live TV an mobile web among their favourite features (in order). As far as I understand, rates are competitive but my hunch is that you need to spend lots of time on Skype at time when you don't want to be at home to make it worthwhile. Otherwise you may be better off sticking to Skype on your laptop and a cheap call plan for calls/texts. The 18 months contract is a no go for me but I may look into the PAYG option after I speak to Three’s sales reps to clarify call rates for that option.
Overall, the Skype Phone is on top of my 2008 must-have list and I am glad I tried it.
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
The story of stuff: how the real world works
"The Story of Stuff:
From its extraction through sale, use and disposal, all the stuff in our lives affects communities at home and abroad, yet most of this is hidden from view. The Story of Stuff is a 20-minute, fast-paced, fact-filled look at the underside of our production and consumption patterns. (...) It'll teach you something, it'll make you laugh, and it just may change the way you look at all the stuff in your life forever."
Friday, December 14, 2007
BlogNation to shut down amidst much mud-throwing 2.0
Back to how much Facebook has replaced blogging now...
Thursday, December 13, 2007
Facebook to license platform methods and tags to counter Google's OpenSocial
"Now we also want to share the benefits of our work by enabling other social sites to use our platform architecture as a model. In fact, we’ll even license the Facebook Platform methods and tags to other platforms. Of course, Facebook Platform will continue to evolve, but by enabling other social sites to use what we’ve learned, everyone wins -- users get a better experience around the web, developers get access to new audiences, and social sites get more applications."
Bebo already announced that it will focus its efforts on applications compatibility with Facebook (while continuing to support Open Social).
Are we heading towards a format war between Google and Facebook?
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
Adobe and Yahoo put online ads into documents
Will your Dell laptop PDF brochures have HP ads all over?
Big Tech blog
Monday, December 10, 2007
You Will Control 25% of Entertainment by 2012
I told you so.
Mobile Crunch.
Wednesday, December 05, 2007
Saturday, December 01, 2007
Facebook's Beacon More Intrusive Than Previously Thought
Full article on Washington Post
Friday, November 30, 2007
Victory! Facebook stopped invading my privacy.
Story on BBC.
Facebook’s official reaction:
Facebook Update on Changes to Beacon
No stories will be published without users proactively consenting
We appreciate feedback from all Facebook users and made some changes to Beacon in the past day. Users now have more control over the stories that get published to their Mini-Feed and potentially to their friends' News Feeds.
Here's how the Beacon changes work:
- Stories about actions users take on external websites will continue to be presented to users at the top of their News Feed the next time they return to Facebook. These stories will now always be expanded on their home page so they can see and read them clearly.
- Users must click on "OK" in a new initial notification on their Facebook home page before the first Beacon story is published to their friends from each participating site. We recognize that users need to clearly understand Beacon before they first have a story published, and we will continue to refine this approach to give users choice.
- If a user does nothing with the initial notification on Facebook, it will hide after some duration without a story being published. When a user takes a future action on a Beacon site, it will reappear and display all the potential stories along with the opportunity to click "OK" to publish or click "remove" to not publish.
- Users will have clear options in ongoing notifications to either delete or publish. No stories will be published if users navigate away from their home page. If they delay in making this decision, the notification will hide and they can make a decision at a later time.
- Clicking the "Help" link next to the story will take users to a full tutorial that explains exactly how Beacon works, with screenshots showing each step in the process.
These changes are in addition to those made earlier to improve the notifications on partner sites as follows
- Users were sometimes moving away from a page before a notification could be fully displayed. We changed the process so that we confirm the full display of the notification before any information can be sent back to a user's Facebook account.
- The notification appears more rapidly and is more clearly displayed.
There has been misinformation in the market about some key aspects of how Beacon works:
- Participation in Beacon is free for all partner sites.
- Beacon only allows for the sharing of specific actions on the specific sites participating in Beacon.
- Beacon only has the potential to display actions to a selection of a user's friends through News Feed and on a user's Mini-Feed.
- Facebook is not sharing user information with participating sites and never sells user information.
As with all its products, Facebook will continue to iterate quickly and listen to feedback from its users
Thursday, November 22, 2007
Innocent advertising on Facebook

Whenever you befriend an innocent fruit juice, be it honeyed mango or crushed strawberry, your Facebook "friends" will be automatically notified:

Wednesday, November 21, 2007
The 20 Worst Venture Capital Investments of All Time
Thursday, November 15, 2007
France is on strike!
The Economist for a more serious take on the issue.
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Virtual habbo thief arrested
Monday, November 12, 2007
Facebook's advertising illegal in the State of New York
Chris Kelly, Chief Privacy Officer of Facebook, said the ads are a “representation” of the action users have taken: choosing to link themselves to a product thus it would be difficult for someone to object because that person had already chosen to publicly identify themselves with the brand doing the advertising.
Full article in the NY Times.
Wednesday, November 07, 2007
Facebook to Turn Users Into Endorsers
Article on NY Times.
Tuesday, November 06, 2007
Mobile phones: introducing Google Android
As I am typing this, sipping a Cabernet Sauvignon, watching a rerun of Star Wars' "Attack of the clones"on HBOFW and laying-out a user journey for Karmony's Facebook app (to be released this week), I cannot help thinking how much Google has become the default "site" for much of my web needs. I only search on Google, Gmail is my primary personal email address, Google News is my first point of call to see what's going on in the world, I welcomed OpenSocial as it will make our job easier as developers (for Karmony) and I cannot wait to get a phone where I can play with Google Maps (which is not an overpriced/over hyped iPhone)... It all becomes a bit scary how much a single company wields power over the web...
Sunday, November 04, 2007
Is Wikipedia legally responsible for its content?
Friday, November 02, 2007
Thursday, November 01, 2007
Google lures MySpace for OpenSocial
From Reuters
I reckon that Facebook should join in.
PR pitching bloggers: Wired editor Chris Anderson's bans PR spammers
Chris then publishes a list of about 300 banned email addresses, a real who's who of public relations practitioners. Comments to the post are entertaining, mostly supportive of the initiative. There are some PR guys whining in the lot (the entertaining part).
Personally, I hope that this will be a wake-up call for lazy PR execs who spam bloggers with press releases or who infringe editors/journalists' personal space. I do receive about 2 emails a week, nothing like what Chris Anderson must be dealing with. I rarely follow-up as they often consists of a copied and pasted press release about some topics I couldn't care less about (some company won an award in Oregon...). Sometimes there is a short note offering me an interview with some executives I never heard of (to talk about awards won in Oregon...).
When I was working with Hill & Knowlton, we went to great length to build relationships with bloggers. It takes a lot of time and efforts but the end result is that you don't end up in a banned list like Chris Anderson's, for all to see and to spam you in return.